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Regional News of Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Source: GNA

Make 'Ghana@50' souvenirs affordable -- Senior Citizen

Ho, Feb. 6, GNA - Mr Richard Adzomah, a Senior citizen and a Pensioner on Monday appealed to the 91Ghana@50' Secretariat to make the prices of its anniversary souvenirs affordable to all. Mr Adzomah, who called at the offices of the Ghana News Agency in Ho to make the appeal, stated that it was wrong for the Secretariat to sell the Nation's Flag, anniversary Tee-shirts and other paraphernalia with the objective of making profit.

He observed that in the colonial days, the country's colonial masters often distributed souvenirs freely during important celebrations and wondered why that could not be done on a memorable occasion as the country's jubilee.

Mr Adzomah appealed to the event Secretariat to "bring the spirit of the Jubilee celebration" closer to the doorsteps of all irrespective of one's economic status by reducing the price of the anniversary Tee-shirts from 70,000 to 20,000 cedis.

He said other souvenirs, including the miniature national flags and anniversary cups be given to school children freely to make them feel the celebration and keep such souvenirs as mementos.