General News of Saturday, 12 April 2008

Source: GNA

Make Mathematics studies applicable to life - Mathematician

Accra, April 12, GNA - Professor Sitsofe Enyonam Anku, Interim President of the Ghana Mathematics Society (GMS) on Saturday called for proper application of Mathematics in national programmes and every day life to achieve economic progress. He said all human endeavours were full of Mathematics principles; hence appropriate application of its theories in daily life could serve as a viable alternative for development. Prof. Anku made the call at the First National Congress of the GMS in Accra attended by tutors of Mathematics, to discuss ways to ensure effective teaching and learning of the subject and elect national executives. He expressed disappointment about the fallen standard of

Mathematics education in the country, attributing the situation to ineffective teaching approach to impart the knowledge as required. He therefore appealed to government to declare a National Mathematics day to serve as platform for drawing public attention on the relevance of the subject and issues affecting its study. Prof. Anku also urged teachers to upgrade their skills to enable them to adopt modern trends of imparting the knowledge.

Mrs Angela Baiden-Amissah, Deputy Minister of Education, Science and Sports urged all Ghanaians to support the GMS to curtail poor academic performance in the subject. She advised students to avoid over dependence on text books and rather learn holistically to gain the needed knowledge in the subject. She further appealed to tutors to teach in a way that would eschew fear that learning Mathematics was difficult.
