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Politics of Friday, 25 August 2017


Make presidential candidate leader of the party when in opposition - NPP-USA proposes

The NPP is holding its annual national delegates conference seven months after coming into power The NPP is holding its annual national delegates conference seven months after coming into power

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) USA chapter, has called on the National Patriotic Party delegates to consider making the presidential candidate the leader of the party when in opposition.

This forms part of a nine-point document which will be presented to the party for consideration and amendment of the party’s constitution.

The NPP constitution states that the chairperson of the party is the leader of the party when in opposition. However, the NPP-USA chapter is considering an amendment to the party constitution to make the presidential candidate the leader of the party when in opposition.

The NPP is holding its annual national delegates conference seven months after coming into power.

The event, which is a requirement in the party's constitution, will afford it the opportunity to review its activities and put in place appropriate systems and measures for smooth operations.

Decisions will also be taken regarding some proposed constitutional amendments and likely replace all its national executives who have been appointed to serve in government.

A team of NPP-USA executives are in Ghana to attend the New Patriotic Party’s Annual Delegates Conference scheduled to take place in Cape Coast on Saturday.

The team will be headed by the acting chairperson of the branch, Yaa Amponsah Frimpong and other national executives and chapter chairs.

The annual delegates conference which is under the theme ‘"NPP, DELIVERING ON OUR PROMISES; OUR ROOTS, OUR STRENGTH, OUR FUTURE", and is scheduled to take place in Cape Coast from Friday, August 25, 2017, to Sunday, August 27, 2017.

Read full statement below:

NPP-USA Attends National Delegates Conference by GhanaWeb Editorial on Scribd