Health News of Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Source: GNA

Malaria, HIV cases increase in Atwima-Mponua

Nyinahin (Ash), Jan. 29, GNA - Malaria and HIV/AIDS cases continue to rise in the Atwima Mponua District of Ashanti. The District recorded 21,956 malaria cases in 2007 as against 8,027 in 2006. HIV/AIDS cases also increased from 21 in 2006 to 28 in 2007. Sixteen persons, including five males and 11 females were infected with Buruli ulcer in 2007.

Mr Solomon Boakye, District Disease Control Officer, made these known at the 2007 annual health performance review meeting at Nyinahin on Friday. He said yaws cases dropped from 91 in 2006 to 10 in 2007, while tuberculosis cases had not reduced in the District over the past three years.

Mr Boakye said the quarterly health performance review meetings to discuss issues affecting healthcare delivery, frequent health screening exercises and immunization of children were some measures, which were undertaken to promote health care in the District. He commended health workers in the District for their hard work and dedication, which had helped to improve healthcare delivery. The District Disease Control Officer said 4,144 children were immunized against measles, while another 4,107 received immunization against yellow fever.

Mr Boakye said public health education would be intensified on TB to ensure its early detection and treatment while control of communicable and non-communicable diseases as well as healthcare would be improved in the years ahead.
