Crime & Punishment of Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Source: GNA

Man threatens wife

Mr. Joseph Eshun, a 39-year-old accounts clerk at the Central Regional Hospital, Cape Coast, was on Monday granted bail in the sum of GH?2,000 with one surety by a Magistrate’s court in Cape Coast for assaulting his wife, threatening and causing damage to her dress.

The court presided over by Mr. Ohemeng Mensah, however, transferred the case to the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) committee in view of the remorseful behavior of accused person.

Eshun, who will report back to the court on Monday, November 8, pleaded guilty with explanation but broke down in tears when the court asked for his explanation.

According to the prosecutor, Sergeant Charles Effah, the complainant Ms. Lydia Amoah, a 35-year-old seamstress, have two children and they live together.

He said on May 31, Eshun threatened that he would destroy her life because she failed to cook early for him and the children.

Eshun ordered the wife to leave the house immediately but she ignored him and on June 29, the accused packed the belonging of his wife from their bedroom into their children’s room and denied her access to the bedroom.

Sergeant Effah said on June 30, the accused seized the keys to the main door and the wife moved to her mother’s house and informed her parents about the incident. A report was made to the Domestic Violence and Victim Support Unit (DOVVSU) of the Police Service and Eshun was arrested and cautioned.

He was granted police enquiry bail to be reporting after they were counseled whilst investigation continued but on July 27, Eshun assaulted his wife over a trivial issue and tore her dress, packed her belongings outside the house and asked her to leave with the children. The wife reported the incident to the police and he was re-arrested.
