Mr Francis Adjei, a Retired District Director of Education for Bongo in the Upper East Region, has tasked mathematics teachers to accept postings to basic and junior high schools and make the subject attractive to pupils.
Mr Adjei, who was speaking at the Annual Regional Conference of the Mathematical Association of Ghana (MAG) in Bolgatanga, urged teachers to take the six P’s in teaching namely; proper, prior, planning, prevent, poor and performance seriously so as to ensure better performance of their students.
He said students who had strong foundation in mathematics at the basic level easily transferred and applied the knowledge to the senior high level, hence the need to start with a strong base.
He advised mathematics teachers to quench their desires to teach in second cycle schools only and take up teaching at the basic level because it was there that they could make an impact on the child.
The meeting brought together 150 mathematics teachers drawn from second cycle institutions in the Region to device methodologies that would enable students to develop interest in learning the subject.
The meeting also allowed members to elect new district and zonal officers to oversee the activities of their various localities for the next two years.
Ms Patricia Ayiko, the Regional Director of Education, encouraged the teachers to give off their best and gave the assurance that her doors were opened for discussions on how to improve on the teaching and learning of mathematics.
Mr Joseph Amiyuure, the Bolgatanga Municipal Chief Executive, pledged the Government’s support for the Association and promised to institute an award scheme in the municipality to award hard working teachers.
Mr Martin Amaltinga, the Regional MAG President, urged members to cooperate with the leadership of the Association since the Region was scheduled to host the National MAG Conference in September, 2018.