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Regional News of Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Source: Maxwell Okamafo Addo

Matilda Amissah Arthur donates to Rafikki Orphanage

and Oguaa Football for Hope Centre in C/R

The wife of the Vice President, Mrs. Matilda Amissah-Arthur, has urged children in various orphanages to learn work hard and give maximum respect to their caregivers. She invoked divine blessings on the children their parents and caregivers, with best wishes to carry out their activities. Mrs. Amissah-Arthur gave the advice on Monday during a visit to Raffiki, an orphanage centre owned by the Methodist Church at Winneba, in the Efutu Metropolitan area of the Central Region. Raffiki, is a Christian charitable institution which in conjunction with the Methodist Church, came together as a team to put up a school that cares for impoverished, marginalized, socially neglected and children deprived of their rights. Mrs. Amissah-Arthur, a friend to children and a mother for all, said it had been her practice to visit orphanages in the country that helps to bring out the best in children who are less privileged in society and called on Ghanaians to come on board and help children in orphanages because they are our future leaders. Interacting with the children, Mrs. Amissah-Arthur commended the Raffiki and the caregivers for going out of their way, with often inadequate resources to cater for the less privileged in society. She donated food items – bags of rice, cooking oil, candies, drinks, as well as some educational materials such as pens, pencils, to support the children. She used the occasion to wish the children and the staff well and promised to be visiting them from time to time, and God’s blessings. Rt Rev Dr John Buabeng Odoom, Bishop of the Methodist Diocese of Winneba ,thanked the Second lady for her kind gesture because helping children and less privileged in society would help the children grow up to become independent, self-confident and responsible Christian members of their communities. However, he noted that this could only come about if society gave less privileged children opportunities, and thus called on organisations, individuals and the Government to come to the aid of orphanages at a time like this, because next year the orphanage that has eighty students and its in distress need of a building for the class six students who are about to get to JSS 1. Later in the day the Second Lady Mrs. Matlida Amissah Arthur, visited the Oguaa Football Center For Hope in Sikafoanbantem in the Cape Coast Municipality and donated assorted types of reading books to the centre. Matilda Amissah-Arthur, triplets a professional librarian herself, and former President of the Association, is at the forefront by helping to advance social values ,told the children to read the books in the library so that it would help them She said the donation was in fulfillment of a promise that she had made to the centre some few moths ago when she went there to inaugurate an ICT centre some few months ago She called on the children to be disciplined and use the centre to attain higher heights so that they become very responsible future leaders She also took the opportunity to touch on our environmental and heath issues in the country because with all suspected cases of the Ebola Virus Disease in Ghana haven proved negative, but are still being monitored, there’s is the need to ensure that nothing is let lose , so the need to minimize the shaking of hands in our society .

Mrs Amissah Arthur said we must protect ourselves from falling victims to the out break of Ebola and Cholera virus so the need to keep our environment clean. She also advised that it will also be desirable if we could change some of our social and hygienic conditions in order to reduce the chance of contracting the disease