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Sports News of Thursday, 29 June 2017


Maxwell Konadu heaps praises on CK Akunnor

Ashgold coach CK Akunnor Ashgold coach CK Akunnor

Assistant Manager for the Ghana national team Maxwell Konadu has heaped kind words on CK Akunnor for his magic run of results in the Ghana premier league. The former Wa All Stars and Kumasi Asante Kotoko chronicled the sudden rise in stature of the current Ashgold gaffer.

CK Akunnor , who is unbeaten in his last six premier league including four straight wins, stunned many on the local terrain surely not Maxwell Konado, who envisaged such feat from the manager. Maxwell Konadu believes the high flying CK Akunnor was up to the task and that if there was one manager who could champion the course of the Miners, then it was Akunnor.

Speaking on the mammoth run of results chalked by the Miners under CK Akunnor, Maxwell Konadu did not mince words in heaping kind words on the Len Clay supremo.

“I know that he is one guy that is doing very very well even when he was at Hearts and Dreams FC. I have seen him work and I know what he can do.

“When you see a good coach you don’t need to see him twice. He is a one of the very disciplined coaches we have in the system today as we speak”, Maxwell Konadu opined.

Ashgold SC have mastered a run of 16 points from their last six games including four wins on a bounce. The then free falling club was destined for second tier football with weekly defeats forming part of their programs.