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Crime & Punishment of Thursday, 2 September 2004

Source: GNA

Mechanic jailed two years for unlawful entry

Cape Coast, Sept. 2, GNA - Eric Kofi, a 34-year-old mechanic from Cape Coast was on Wednesday, sentenced to two years imprisonment by a circuit court at Cape Coast for unlawful entry and causing unlawful damage to the door to his uncle's house.

Kofi pleaded guilty to the two charges, but pleaded not guilty to a third charge of stealing the property of his uncle, Mr John Butler, valued at 37 million cedis.

He was convicted on the first two, and is to re-appear on Wednesday September 22, for trial on the third charge.

Prosecuting, Police Inspector Hope Azasoo told the court presided over by Mr Kwame Ohene Essel in April, this year, that Kofi was alleged to have broken into the house of his uncle at Aquarium, a suburb of Cape Coast and stole his personal effects, most of them electrical gadgets, valued at 37 million cedis.

He said Mr Butler, who resides in the United States, later came down and detected the theft, and suspecting Kofi, confronted him, and Kofi gave back some of the stolen items. Mr Butler later reported the matter to the police.

He further alleged that, during interrogation, Kofi told the police that he had sent some of the items to Accra, but all efforts to retrieve them proved futile.