Health News of Tuesday, 14 November 2017


Medical Doctors demand free health care from Government

The Ghana Medical Association has already threatened the government of a possible strike action The Ghana Medical Association has already threatened the government of a possible strike action

The Ghana Medical Association (GMA) is calling on the government of the republic of Ghana to provide all members with free healthcare as part of its remuneration for them.

“We are demanding that, government provides free healthcare for all our members. Dr Frank Ankobia told Accra FM on Monday.

Dr Ankobia, the newly elected president of GMA argued that, it is indeed a bad practice for doctors who work in various hospitals across the country to use their own money for medical treatment in the same facilities they work.

He also claimed that, they cannot sit down while people from other government institutions troop into their hospitals for free health care while they are denied same.

“If people from other government institutions visit our hospitals everyday for free health care then why can’t we be given same opportunity?” He quizzed.

He also hinted that, government refusal to comply with their demand could bring havoc to them and the patients as well.

“If doctors are allowed to provide for the cost of their own healthcare, then it is possible out of fear of contracting disease, they may not work effectively as expected. As a result, standard of heath service from most members would be undermined. He hinted

The Ghana Medical Association has already threatened the government of a possible strike action on several other issues if their demands are not met.