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General News of Thursday, 27 June 2024


Meet the Ghanaian porridge queen: The tale of 'Koko Mu PhD'

Accra Central koko queen, Wasila Abdullah play videoAccra Central koko queen, Wasila Abdullah

In the heart of Accra Central's bustling market, a unique vendor has emerged, capturing the attention of many with her extraordinary approach to selling a simple yet beloved local beverage, Hausa Koko.

Among the countless traders, Wasila Abdullah stands out, not just for her delicious porridge but for the charm and wit she brings to her business, earning her the affectionate title, 'Koko mu PhD'.

Visiting Wasila's stall is an experience like no other. Amid the cacophony of market sounds, her stand becomes a haven where humour and warmth blend seamlessly with the rich aroma of freshly made porridge.

It’s no surprise that her customers dubbed her 'Koko mu PhD'— a nod to her engaging and almost scholarly approach to customer service.

Victoria Kyei Baffour of GhanaWeb recently spent a day at Wasila's stand to uncover the secrets behind her success.

Wasila revealed to GhanaWeb that the nickname was bestowed upon her by a loyal customer, and she embraced it wholeheartedly, feeling it perfectly encapsulated her dedication and expertise.

Wasila's journey is one of resilience and adaptability. She once dreamt of becoming a lawyer, but life had different plans.

Instead of dwelling on her unfulfilled dreams, she poured her energy into her porridge business, determined to make it a success.

Her efforts have paid off, as people from all over the region now travel just to taste her renowned porridge, prompting plans for expansion.

The Magic of Wasila's Customer Service

What truly sets Wasila apart is her exceptional customer service. She doesn’t just serve porridge; she serves a smile, a laugh, and a moment of connection.

Her conversations with customers are legendary, often filled with playful banter and thoughtful questions that make everyone feel at ease.

"Are you buying for two people? Is one for your girlfriend or someone else? You don’t have a girlfriend? I will get you a girlfriend soon. Or because you’re not financially stable, you do not need a girlfriend now? Do you have enough money, or do you share a room with your mother?" she jests with a customer, her words sparking laughter and lightening the mood.

Wasila’s porridge comes with three varieties of bean cake, known locally as koose, and she has even branded these accompaniments with special names, adding another layer of uniqueness to her offerings.

Her fluency in English further enhances her appeal, allowing her to connect with a diverse clientele.

Wasila Abdullah’s story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the impact of a personal touch in business.

Her journey from aspiring lawyer to the celebrated 'Koko mu PhD' of Accra Central inspires all who meet her, proving that success can come in the most unexpected forms.

Watch the video below to see Wasila in action: