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Politics of Sunday, 5 June 2005

Source: Rockson Adofo(London)

Mensah Sets Eyes On Kumawu Constituency

The basic function of an MP among many others is to ensure effective representation of their Constituency at Parliament, in the expression of the constituents concerns and demands on government, getting their fair slice of the national cake if any, in pursuance of infrastructural and human resources development. They should also be in constant progressive interaction with the constituents, help solving their individual and collective problems when and if possible, through advice, directions and encouragement.

Kumawu Constituency is found lagging miles away behind in the just stipulated needs and requirements of their MPs and the Constituency. It is therefore imperative upon the people to open up to competition in the hope of the desired qualities and expectations being found in one of the citizens eventually.

It is out of the desire to serve and be of dynamic service to the constituents that a noble young man, Alex Kwame Adomako Mensah, a younger brother to the former Governor of Bank of Ghana, Dr. Kwabena Duffuor, has expressed the determined effort to wrestle the MP-ship in any next election from whomever.

My in-depth probes into his character, competency, selflessness, reveal a vibrant young man full of innovative ideas with practical cost effective means to achieving them, to the betterment of the Kumawu Constituency.

He plans not only relying on the government for everything but also achieve most of his envisaged developmental projects harnessing the local resources. He will discuss the need to access the local resources to the collective and general but not selective, benefit, to the constituents with the stakeholders and the local powers that be. He will insist they see reason in his proposals come the time, for the whole lot should enjoy the benefits of whatever the natural endowments of the area.

He plans to be outspoken in Parliament. He believes in effective communication, putting across his points in perseverance will get him things for his Constituency. Belted with his financial expertise, he is sure not to be scared by any exhibits of education knowledge ability pride from any of the PHD holders, fond of empty boasting on the Parliament floor at policy and developmental deliberations; intimidating and putting the less educated Mps to fright, silencing them through the entire life of a Parliament. It is only in Ghana that knowledge of English is a criterion of a man's great learning. He believes those MPs that keep mute and prefer to stay away from Parliament have themselves to blame. For the Constitution makes room for other local dialects at Parliamentary discussions and debates so why this problem of running away because one lacks the English accoutrements to convey successfully their wishes to the floor?

He takes pride in living memorable stamps in the minds of people as having aided them humanitarianly, with always palpable evidences. He believes in the joy of fair distribution of wealth among people and their general welfare. This one quality in him endears him to me, meriting my support and his recommendation to the Kumawu Constituents as our next God-sent MP.

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