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Diasporia News of Friday, 23 July 2010

Source: quaye, stephen a.

Methodist Young Adults, Writing Diferent Youth Stories In Canada.

From: Stephen A. Quaye, Toronto-Canada.
In this contemporary world where evil is wrongly accepted as the righteous whiles the righteous are mistaken for the evil, it could be agreed that is very difficult for people to accept the truth and live a disciplined lives.
Especially where the youth who are classified as the future leaders of our various communities and countries are accepting evil acts as righteous but going wayward, it is really difficult to believe that there is in fact a light shining at the end of the tunnel for our youth.
Quite recently, the only news item one hears on the airwaves or read in the news papers was stabbing of a Ghanaian teenager by their teenage counterparts, suspected gun shots killing innocent Ghanaian youth by notorious gangsters as well as their involvement in other social vices which was very disturbing.
However as it is always said that where there is no hope there God manifest himself, he has really touched the hearts of some young but adult Ghanaians to come together and stretch their hands of fellowship to those who might find themselves at the wrong side to come over and see the wonders of God.
And this young adult group is a baby of the Ghana Methodist Church of Toronto, which has taken upon itself the challenge of spreading the word of God to both Ghanaian youth and non Ghanaian youth resident in Toronto and beyond to change their lives from bad to good.
The Young Adult Movement of the Toronto Methodist Church, with it motto,” To worship and serve” was inaugurated last week Sunday but it has been undertaking various humanitarian activities in the communities surrounding Toronto as well as part taking seriously in the church’s activities long before its official inauguration.
Recently, the movement managed to raise funds to support the women shelter in Toronto where it presented food, clothes as well as other human supporting materials to the inmates there to the admiration of the administrators.
It also organized games for the youth to compete in various sporting disciplines as a way of engaging them in meaningful activities that can shape their lives better than involving themselves in activities that could destroy their lives.
Upon their inauguration, The Superintendent Minister in charge of Ghana Methodist in Toronto, Very Reverend Jacob William French, reminded them of the cautious words of the late patriot Ephraim Amu which he used in composing the song”Yen Ara Asase Ni” to wit “behold our land that our forefathers bought for us through their toil and blood.
“It is now our turn to fight and develop it and whether it will be done or not depend on our life style” really touched the hearts of the members.
As if joking but vary serious Reverend French reminded the members that God will answer their prayers only if they live a life style that commensurate what is in the bible therefore the need for them to follow strictly the directions in the bible.
Preaching the inaugural sermon, Brother Sylvester Owusu Ansah, revealed the secret of God to his colleagues which was praying without ceasing as the only way to unlock the visions God have for them.
On behalf of the executives and the entire movement, the president Mr. Titus Glovers admitted how difficult the position could be, but was very hopeful to discharge his duties diligently according to the provisions of the Methodist Constitution therefore sort the support of the entire church.
He was very optimistic that with the formation of the movement, the misconception that Ghanaian youth are bad is soon going to be erased by urging the youth to make use of opportunities in education which is paramount to every human life.
The Congregation prayed for their successive stay or discharge of their duties.