General News of Sunday, 23 March 2008

Source: GNA

Mills' Easter Message to Ghanaians

Accra, March 23, GNA-Professor John Evans Atta Mills on Sunday urged Ghanaians to be victors over sin and triumph over any acts that will disturb the peace and stability of the country, especially during this election year.

He said: "Today for us Christians, marks the day that our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ, after his crucifixion and death, arose from the dead with resurrection power.

"As Christ died, woke up from the grave, is alive, and interceding on our behalf at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, let us also endeavour to die to sin and be alive to righteousness." In his Easter message issued in Accra Prof. Atta Mills said ; "Christ is up from the grave with a mighty triumph over his foes and has arisen as a victor from the dark domain.

"This day gives us the opportunity to start a new life in Christ and it is my fervent prayer and hope that as individuals and as a nation, we will strive to do what is right and proper in the sight of God so that his blessings will forever abound."

He expressed the hope that, "the resurrection of Christ, and the resurrection power, remain with us so that we can continue to share the risen Lord's glory and his message of salvation with others."
