General News of Saturday, 15 November 2003

Source: Atta Mills Campaign

Mills arrive in the USA

The next president of Ghana Prof Atta Mills arrived at Washington DC Dulles Airport and was met by Officials of CDA and a throng of NDC faithfuls and admirers led by the Local Chapter Chairman Mr Emmanuel Ave, waiving miniature NDC Flags and Ghana Flags. So engaging was the reception in the public area that folks who had come to meet their loved ones joined in the euphoria. A family of Ethiopians who claim to have lived in Ghana heartily introduced themselves and asked for Prof Mills' autograph for their daughter who was beaming with smiles.Prof Atta Mills obliged and the little girl of 12 embraced him to the sound of thunderous cheers and clapping.

Prof Atta Mills is in the United States and will visit Canada to participate in Symposia and dialogue on the topic "Good Governace in Africa- Basic Issues and Concerns". Several locations have been selected and feverish preparations have been made to receive Prof Atta Mills in Chicago, Springf! ield, Delaware, Philadelphia, Columbia, Toronto, Montreal, New York. Prof Atta Mills will end his tour on Dec 3.

On Nov 19 2003, Prof Atta Mills will grant a one hour interview to VOICE OF AMERICA which will be broadcast live and globally.

Prof Atta Mills looking hale and confident predicted he will win the 2004 and Gneral Elections.