General News of Monday, 17 May 2004

Source: Joy Online

Minister Accused Of Sponsoring Phone-In Callers

Minister of Information Nana Akomeah has denied reports that he is behind the spate of calls into radio phone-in programs that seeks to paint the ruling government in good light and condemn everything about opposition parties.

The Insight newspaper reported in its lead story today that the Minister organised briefing?s for the serial callers before they called into radio stations.

The paper quoted one of the callers Ibrahim as saying on an Accra radio station Vibe FM that the minister gives them all the relevant information that enables them ''to defend the interest of the government.''

But Akomeah told JoyFM?s Super Morning Show on Monday that there is no truth in that assertion. He said as Minister of Information, he gives information to several people including some of those serial callers.

The issues of serial callers and phone in programs on radio has become a major issue with calls from certain quarters that phone ins be banned. The issue has also drawn statements of concern from President Kufuor who has called for moderation in the use of language on phone in programs.