General News of Wednesday, 25 April 2001

Source: GNA

Minister Discusses Health Insurance Scheme for Teachers

Professor Ameyaw-Akumfi, Minister of Education, on Tuesday held discussions with officials of the Metropolitan Insurance Company Ltd. to establish a sustainable health insurance scheme to benefit 170,000 teachers and educational workers nation-wide.

The discussion which also involves the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), Teachers and Educational Workers Union (TEWU), Ghana Education Service and the Ministry of Health, recommended the establishment of a task force to develop a programme of implementation for the scheme.

A press release from the Ministry said the Metropolitan Insurance Company would provide technical expertise to the task force that would present an implementation plan within the next three months.

Prof. Ameyaw-Akumfi said the Health Insurance scheme for teachers, which are long overdue, would be administered by a well-represented board of trustees.

He said the task force is also expected to "design a prototype scheme and present proposals for intensive public education on the immeasurable benefits of the scheme to teachers.''

He also announced the conclusion of discussions with the World Bank and the USAID for the procurement and distribution of motorcycles, bicycles, radio sets and cooking utensils for deserving teachers in the rural areas.

Mr. Daniel Aidoo Mensah, Chief Executive of Metropolitan Insurance, said the company's involvement in the scheme shows its commitment to work in partnership with government to improve the welfare of teachers.

He pledged his organisation's willingness to place its pioneering experience at the disposal of the scheme.