General News of Friday, 24 January 2003

Source: GNA

Minister Humiliates Energy Commission

A scheduled joint workshop by the Energy Commission and the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) on the way forward for the West African Gas Pipeline project was called off in Accra on Thursday just as invited guests sat to start work at the Labadi Beach Hotel.

Mr Kofi Asante, Executive Secretary of the Energy Commission told the large gathering including chiefs, Danish Ambassador to Ghana, MP's, energy experts and civil society representatives, that a call came from the Chief of Staff's office that the workshop should be called off.

He could not explain why the workshop was being called off.

Sources close to the Commission told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) Business Desk that they did not understand why the workshop should be called off since the Minister was adequately informed and in time.

"If he had something against the meeting he should have told us earlier to avoid this embarrassment to the people we have invited for this important event. It is a real humiliation to us. What do we tell our guests," the source questioned.

The workshop funded by the Danish government, was called to address the pertinent issues that have arisen after the definitional phase of the multinational project, which is meant to transport natural gas from Niger Delta fields in Nigeria through Benin, Togo and to Ghana.

It is also to examine the veracity of the costs that have been advanced by the project developers.

The 1,000 kilometre pipeline project is a crucial component of the regional energy market under ECOWAS. It is to cost about 500 million dollars and would be owned by the four countries.

It is expected to accelerate regional integration, economic growth and development in West Africa.

The Gas Pipeline will provide at a lower cost, clean sustainable energy for Benin, Togo and Ghana compared with the burning of light crude oil or diesel as fuel to produce electricity.

Chief Of Staff Calls Off Seminar (another version)

An order from the office of the Chief of Staff Kodwo Mpinim resulted in the cancellation of the seminar to publicly debate the terms of the West African Gas Pipeline project.

The seminar organized by the Energy Commission and the Institute of Economic Affairs, IEA was to discuss the cost benefits and other pertinent issues concerning the gas project. The projected is to be constructed and operated by WAPCo a new company and commercial group which in turn is owned by a six-company consortium.

A last minute call from the office of Chief of Staff Kwame Mpianim called off the seminar to the shock of the delegates. The seminar was to take a critical look at some aspects of the West African Gas Pipeline project before a definite investment decision is made. The 180km pipeline is to carry gas from the west niger delta in Nigeria to Benin, Togo and Ghana to generate energy.

The project has been hailed as a star project, which will not only provide the beneficiary countries with sustainable energy supply but will also enhance regional integration. This notwithstanding the magnitude of the investment and some contractual agreement has raised concerns in certain quarters forcing the Energy Commission and the Institute of Economic Affairs IEA to organize a seminar to bring together experts and stakeholders to publicly discuss issues involved on the project.

The seminar was for instance to look at the cost of the project pegged at 5 million dollars viz a viz similar projects elsewhere, the eventual ownership and the tariff that would be paid. However when all was set, with all delegates that include big names like Mr Da Rocha, 2nd Deputy Speaker of Parliament Ken Dzirasa, Dr Richardson, Prof Allotey and international and local experts, representatives of foreign missions were seated, the Executive Secretary of the Energy Commission Kofi Asante announced the cancellation of the seminar.

He explained that a call from the office of the chief of staff has asked for the suspension of the seminar because the Energy Minister could not be present at the programme. The announcement was received with disappointment and shock with people reading all sorts of meanings into it.