Regional News of Thursday, 29 January 2015

Source: GNA

Minister asks for Holy Spirit deliverance for skeptics

Helen Adjoa Ntosu, the Volta Regional Minister had said the Holy Spirit should deliver those who refuse to appreciate the government’s achievements in the Region.

“Those of you who refuse to see or those of you who see but refuse to acknowledge, I ask the Holy Spirit to deliver you and I hope you are delivered from the spirit of falsehood,” she said at a town hall meeting organized by the Keta Municipal Assembly at Anloga.

“Ignore those who say the Volta region is not benefiting from the national cake despite its support for the ruling National Democratic Congress.”

Ms. Ntosu said communication gap between the government and the citizenry created room for misinformation about government in the Region and expressed the hope that the town hall meetings would help bridge the gap.

Ms. Ntosu said the country’s current challenges are temporary.

Mr. Sylvester Tornyeavah, the Keta Municipal Chief Executive, said dozens of projects in the roads, education, health, water and sanitation and power sectors had been completed or were ongoing.

He said the Municipal Assembly had paid the Nation Health Insurance Scheme registration fees for 13,402 people in the Municipal area and about to begin construction of a Midwifery School with Korean Government support.

Mr. Tornyeavah said over 30 education infrastructure had been executed in the area in the last two years.