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Regional News of Friday, 27 February 2015

Source: GNA

Minister happy about progress of work on Nkwanta Community SHS

Madam Helen Ntoso, Volta Regional Minister, has expressed satisfaction at the progress of work on the Nkwanta Community Day Senior High School (SHS).

The project, which is one of the 200 Community Day SHS promised by President John Dramanai Mahama, was about 35 per cent complete when the Regional Minister inspected it.

She said, “I am impressed about the fast pace of work here. I am happy they have reached this level within six months, and I pray that they keep the pace.”

Madam Ntoso said the project is “dear” to the government, and tasked Nickseth Construction Company Limited, building the four-storey 16 classrooms with store, laboratories, offices, library and ICT centre, to finish the work on schedule.

Mr Ebenezer Donkor, Assistant Project Engineer, said the frame of the building would be done by April, and was hopeful the Company would finish work on time.