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Regional News of Tuesday, 14 March 2017


Minister to sanction absentee Assembly staff

Dr. Archibald Letsa Dr. Archibald Letsa

The Volta regional minister, Dr. Archibald Letsa has warned that disciplinary actions will betaken against staff of the various assemblies in the region if they absent themselves from important functions organized in the region without reasonable excuse.

Dr. Letsa gave the warning at the launch of the 3rd Ghana District League Table (DLT) for 216 in the Volta region.

In his welcome remarks, he noted that the DLT is an important assessment process that should be taken seriously by every Ghanaian.

He indicated that the DLT is not different from a similar assessment that is carried out in the health sector and that this gives him an idea about the gravity of situations in the region.

Dr. Letsa said that he is committed to working hard in implementing the manifesto of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) to reverse this trend.

“I am worried that that when the assemblies are graded at the national level, the region is not able to pick prizes. I called for support from everybody to move the region forward.

We should come together and fight for the collective interest of the Volta region”. The minister noted.

He promised to work towards changing the attitude of staff of the various assemblies in the region.

The DLT is an initiative of CDD-Ghana and UNICEF Ghana in collaboration with the ministry of Local Government and Rural Development.

The DLT is a simple ranking tool for measuring the level of development in each of Ghana’s 216 districts. It ranks districts in terms of their delivery across six key public service sectors.

These are health governance, education, security, sanitation and water. The DLT aims to strengthen social accountability in development across Ghana’s 216 districts so as to improve responsiveness in service delivery.

The Kpando Municipality which ranked first in the region was 52nd in the national score.

The North Tongu district which ranked last in the region, incidentally took the 216th position in the national score.

The programme was attended by District Coordinating Directors of the region, Presiding Members, heads of departments, civil society organisations, non-governmental organisations and the media.