General News of Thursday, 1 March 2001

Source: GNA

Minister warns heads about corruption

Mr. Ernest Kwaku Debrah, Brong Ahafo Regional Minister, on Wednesday asked heads of departments, organisations and institutions in the region to avoid corrupt practices and increase their output for the benefit of the people.

"Any officer who feels that his or her salary is insufficient and must, therefore, supplement it through corrupt practices for survival should look for other avenues," he advised. The Regional Minister was addressing a maiden meeting with regional heads of departments, organisations and institutions in Sunyani.

He stressed that salaries are not determined by cost of living but by productivity, adding that he hates corruption because "it is a disservice to the nation". "We can make enough money to sustain ourselves when our negative attitudes towards work change."

Mr Debrah emphasised that honesty and truth based on discipline and loyalty are necessary requirements for their respective outfits, the region, and the country in general to move the nation forward.

He urged the heads to understand that they are charged with the responsibility to achieve a common goal and mission for the wellbeing of the people.

He, therefore, called on them to work as a team with transparency as their guiding principle for the realisation of the objectives of their organisations.

The meeting deliberated on a number of problems affecting the progress and development of the region, and called for pragmatic measures in the short, medium and long term to arrest the situation.