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General News of Friday, 21 June 2013

Source: Joy Online

Ministers present action plans to Mahama

President John Mahama has been meeting with his ministers Friday June 21, in separate meetings to scrutinise plans for their various ministries to assist in his vision.

According to government, the action plans would serve as performance contracts upon which appointments of the ministers would be terminated or renewed.

Deputy Information Minister, Ibrahim Murtala Mohammed, at the Daily Media Briefing on Friday said the president and other top government officials would critique the ministers’ presentations and offer suggestions.

The deputy minister also said the action plans must seek to facilitate the achievements of the president’s vision as stated in the National Democratic Congress' (NDC's) 2012 Manifesto.

For instance, high on the NDC's 2012 Manifesto was a promise to achieve an average GDP growth rate of at least 8% per annum, a single digit rate of inflation and an overall budget deficit equivalent to 5% of GDP.

Also, the manifesto indicated President Mahama's administration would decentralise governance to enable citizens to access resources and demand accountability for services.

The deputy minister has indicated that a yearly or monthly performance evaluation of the ministers would be based on target agreements between the president and the ministers.