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General News of Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Source: GNA

Ministry issues directives on energy conservation

Accra, May 02, GNA - The Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Environment has issued directives on measures to conserve energy in view of the current energy challenges. The directives were in a statement issued in Accra on Wednesday and signed by Mr Stephen Asamoah Boateng, the Sector Minister and addressed to Directors, Departmental Heads, Staff, Regional Co-ordinating Directors, Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives.

The directives are: all air conditioners must not be switched on before 1100 hours and turned off after 1700 hours (5pm) during office working hours.

"All air conditioners at official residences must be turned off at 2330 hours (11.30pm), " All office lights are to be turned off when staff leave the office at close of work, except security lights. " With the exception of fridges, all other electrical appliances such as computers, television sets, ceiling and or standing fans are to be turned off after close of work."

The Ministry also directed that, "With effect from Monday, May 7, all Directors and staff should ensure that every electricity meter reader in offices and official residence should be read weekly at 0900 hours (9am) every Monday and hand delivered to the Sector Minister's Office.

"It is intended that these weekly meter reading would show the percentage savings the Ministry, its departments and agencies, Regional Co-ordinating Directors and Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives are making as our contribution to the challenges we face in the energy sector."