General News of Friday, 15 June 2007

Source: GNA

Ministry to develop Volta Lake for water transport

Accra, June 15, GNA - The Ministry of Harbours and Railways has undertaken investigations and needs assessment on the Volta Lake with the view to developing water transportation. The Ministry has therefore, identified a number of areas to tackle, including effective enforcement and safety regulations and the development of projects.

It also plans to develop suitable landing facilities for vessels, installation of navigational aids and the dissemination of information Miss Sophia Honer-Sam, Deputy sector Minister said these in Parliament on Friday in response to a question on plans to build landing ports for the Volta Lake Transport Company vessels at Bejamse and Ehiamankyene in the Krachi West constituency, a main port for yams and cattle.

The Deputy Minister said a comprehensive programme has been designed to ensure holistic development of water transport.

She mentioned charting of navigational routes, construction of passenger reception facilities and the acquisition of four cross-lake ferries to serve major lake stations such as Kete Krachi, Dambai, Djemene and Yeji, as projects to be undertaken. She said the Ministry has put in place plans for suitable landing facilities for use by all vessels including those of the Volta Lake Transport at Bejamse and Ehiamankyene.

"Mr. Speaker, our major constraints, however, have been the mobilization of funds for the project. It has been estimated that the Ministry needs close to 15 million dollars to implement the various projects," she said. She said there were contacts with local and international financial institutions to source for funds to build landing ports.