General News of Saturday, 13 October 2001

Source: GNA

Minority MPs react to first cabinet reshuffle

The Minority in Parliament on Friday said the cabinet reshuffle has failed to meet the expectations of Ghanaians and described it as "a mere window-dressing".

"The minority is disappointed that the present reshuffle undertaken under a panic situation lacks a clear purpose, direction or focus of the government and demonstrates a classical case of musical chairs."

The minority's views were expressed in a statement signed by Mr Doe Adjaho, Minority Chief Whip, to the Ghana News Agency in Accra.

The statement said the greatest amusement about the reshuffle was the naming of Mr J. H. Mensah as a Senior Minister.

The Minority said the position is unknown to the constitution and questioned the legitimacy of the change of leadership of Parliament from Mr Mensah to Papa Owusu Ankomah.

Quoting the Standing Orders of Parliament, the Minority stated that the party or parties holding majority of the seats in the House designate the Majority Leader.

"It is never part of the prerogative of the President to designate the Majority Leader."

The Minority urged the NPP government to "as a matter of urgency come out and clarify the position."

The statement, however, conceded the prerogative of the President to appoint, fire or reshuffle members of his cabinet under the constitution.

The Minority stated that the creation of new ministries by the government debunks the much-touted claim of the ruling New Patriotic Party to reduce the number of ministers to cut down cost.

The number of ministries is now more than that of the former NDC government, which the NPP condemned while in opposition.

The statement also said the reshuffle has vindicated the policies and positions of the NDC, which the NPP rejected, by recognising and reverting to the designations of Ministry of Parliament Affairs, and Ministry of Roads and Transport.

The Minority described the de-linking of the Mines portfolio from Lands Forestry and Mines as not justifiable on rational policy grounds but craving to create more jobs for the boys. "This clearly is a waste of resources," it said.

The statement also called for clarification of the designation and mandate of the Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology and the newly created Ministry of Communications and Technology.

"Certainly there is a case of repetition and overlap, which the government needs as a matter of urgency clarify."

The statement, however, welcomes the appointment to cabinet of a candidate from the Upper West Region.