General News of Friday, 14 February 2003

Source: Ghanaisn Times

Minority Mourn In Parliament

The minority NDC MPs once again appeared in mourning cloths during the President’s delivery of the Sessional Address to portray the agony and difficulties the average Ghanaian was going through. They were clad in either black or red cloth or suits. All the members had red sashes around their necks.

As they trooped to the floor of the House, some members of the Majority shouted ''Bob Okalla'' while others teased ''Valentine Day Dressing'' drawing laughter from the large crowd that had gathered in the House.

When the Speaker invited the President to address the House, members of the Majority broke into a chorus of ''Kufuor nie, Osono nie'' (''hail Kufuor, hail the elephant''). The President drew laughter from both sides as well as the large gathering when he asked whether the Minority members were mourning the two dead members of Parliament.

At the end of the President’s address, the majority side gave him a standing ovation while the Minority side remained seated. And while the NPP members hailed him, the Minority sang ''Do something new in our lives.''