General News of Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Source: CPP Communications Directorate

Mobila Case Exposes NPP -CPP

Mobila Case Exposes NPP Lip Service On Rule Of Law – CPP

Ladies and Gentlemen of the media, fellow Ghanaians, we wish to bring to your attention today a disgraceful issue that every right thinking Ghanaian must condemn, deplore and raise questions as to why perpetrators of one of the most brutal, most callous, most heinous crimes in our country have not yet faced justice.

It was the 17th December 2004, Ghana had just gone to the polls on the 7th December 2004, Alhaji Issah Mobila, the Northern Regional Chairman of the CPP‘s dead body was deposited at the Tamale Hospital Mortuary., Dr. Kofi Adomako Boateng, Chief Pathologist at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, performed an autopsy and a Post Mortem Report stated that Alhaji Mobila had collapsed while in military cells during the night and died later at the Barracks Clinic. His examination had revealed multiple torture wounds all over Alhaji Mobila’s body, he had several stab wounds over both his arms, chest and general torso, lacerations on his back from one shoulder to the other, five fractured ribs, collapse of the left lung with haemothorax which were identified as the cause of his death.

The Pictures are available for all to see.

What was his crime? – Serving mother Ghana’s democracy as Chairman of the CPP in the Northern Region.

In what was seemingly a clear-cut case , for Alhaji Issah Mobila had gone to the Police voluntarily, and signed a statement yet it took 3 months to identify the culprits in March 2005 , a result of the unprecedented public pressure and embarrassment to the NPP government .

It took a further 3 months before a Court presided over by Madam Angelina Mensah-Homia, remanded Corporal Yaw Appiah, Private Eric Modzaka and Private Seth Goka, in military custody to appear before a Tamale High Court on July 7 2005. The Tamale High Court then adjourned the case to August 8 2005. It is now close to two years since that adjournment and nearly three years since the brutal murder of Alhaji Issah Mobila. The people of Ghana are still waiting to hear the outcome of the case; the country waits to see that the Government of Ghana believes in the “Rule of Law”, that all Ghanaians regardless of their class, tribe or political affiliation deserve equality and equal protection under the law.

Many in the CPP now believe that Justice in Ghana under the current NPP Government is selective, and certainly when it affects CPP members, very, very slow indeed.

Questions are now being asked by all descent minded Ghanaians:

• Has the case been finalised or not?

• Why is it taking so long?

• What has the Government got to hide?

• Would the case take this long and receive such low priority if this was an NPP stalwart?

• With arm robbery and other crime on the increase in Ghana, and a spate of cold blooded murder cases witnessed recently in the country, why has the Government not moved to use Alhaji Mobila’s case to demonstrate a firm and determined approach by the state to show that such heinous crimes are not acceptable in a 50 year old Ghana?

• If Alhaji Issah Mobila – a Senior political figure can be so brutally and cold bloodedly murdered in the hands of the security services , what hope has ordinary men and women in our country?

Alhaji Mobila’s murder is too heinous a crime to be allowed to linger indefinitely , it sends the wrong signal and it is certainly exposing NPP weakness on Law and Order and further fuelling accusations of selective justice under the NPP.

“Justice delayed is justice denied” as the old saying goes and for Alhaji Mobila's 4 wives and 8 children whose lives are now left in turmoil, facing an uncertain and poverty stricken future. justice is well overdue. For their sake and also for the sake of justice and the rule of law in our beloved country, the NPP government needs to act to show Ghanaians and the world that it truly believes in the “Rule of Law”, that CPP members enjoy equality under the law, and deserve equal protection.

CPP members everywhere remember Alhaji Issah Mobila and pledge to fight on till justice is done.

The NPP continues to demonstrate that it is certainly no friend of the CPP and CPP members.

We demand justice for the Mobila family

Forward Ever! Backward Never!

Communications Directorate