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Editorial News of Wednesday, 25 April 2001

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More stench from ECG

The stench from the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) is so powerful that it may eventually subvert the attempt by the company to secure a substantial increase in its tariffs.

"The Weekly Insight" says its investigations have revealed that more than 200 billion cedis has been wasted on frivolous contracts and pegs for some senior staff of the Company. Sources close to the Company allege that on his assumption of office, a former, Managing Director of the Company refused to stay in his duty-post bungalow and opted to live in his own house.

The ECG spent 120 million cedis to renovate the private residence of Chief Adams.

After the renovation, Chief Adam rented the house in which he continued to live to the Company for 1.2 million cedis a month and the ECG paid him 28 million cedis as rent advance.

Two years later, when Chief Adams' appointment was terminated, he went away with the rent advance, the lost the company incurred in renovating his house and a one-year old Audi A6 saloon car the company purchased for him.

Other officials who went away with their official cars include Mr Kan Dapaah, now Minister for Energy, Mr Hagan, one time Managing Director and Mr Frempong one time Director for Materials and Transport.

There are also reports that many contracts were awarded without any regard to the laid down procedure.