Crime & Punishment of Thursday, 28 April 2005

Source: GNA

Mother bonded to behave well towards daughter

Twifo Praso (C/R), April 28, GNA - A 55-year-old woman from Twifo Praso, who poured kerosene into her daughter's pot of soup, was on Wednesday bonded to be of good behaviour for 24 months by Praso magistrate's court.

Akua Addae, who pleaded guilty with explanation to offensive conduct and causing unlawful damage, would go to prison for six months if she fails to go by the bond.

The court also ordered her to pay a restitution of 900,000 cedis to her daughter, Georgina Austin.

Akua, who pleaded for leniency from the magistrate, said she took the action out of anger because Georgina had taken her son to Lagos and abandoned him there. "All my appeals to her to bring back my son have fallen on deaf ears," she told the court.

Prosecuting, Chief Inspector George Okine said Georgina and her mother had not been on speaking terms following a rift between them. Chief Inspector Okine said on March 29 this year, Akua went to Georgina's chop bar and poured away a pot of soup that was being prepared for sale.

He said on April 19 this year, Akua again went to the bar and poured kerosene into another pot of soup that was being prepared for sale.

She also contaminated a volume of salt being used for the cooking with the kerosene, the Court heard.
