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Regional News of Friday, 10 July 2009

Source: GNA

Muslim Chiefs meet Western Regional Minister

Sekondi, July 10, GNA - Mr. Paul Evans Aidoo, the Western Regional Minister, has called on the people not to allow their political affiliations to stop them from supporting the National Democratic Congress (NDC) government to improve conditions in the country and raise living standards. He made the call at a meeting with members of the Regional Council of Muslim Chiefs at the Residence at Sekondi. Mr. Aidoo said political wrangling should be done away with so that all Ghanaians could participate in the development of the country. He said unless people relegate their political allegiances to the background and give a helping hand to the government, the development of the country would be retarded. Ms Betty Busumtwi-Sam, the Deputy Regional Minister, appealed to chiefs to acquaint themselves with government policies and programmes to enable them explain them to the people when necessary.