Religion of Sunday, 30 June 2013

Source: GNA

Muslims advised to exercise regularly

Sheikh Imam Salawatiya, Founder of the Sheikh Imam Salawatiya Association, on Saturday, advised Muslims to exercise regularly since it is part of the Holy Koran.

He said, healthy people make a healthy nation, and as such, Muslims must not shy away from taking part in keep fit exercises.

Imam Salawatiya gave the advice after various Muslim groups including the Salawatiya Association, Imams, Ulamas and Muslim Chiefs, embarked on a keep fit exercise.

The march which attracted hundreds of people started from Pigfarm lorry station to the main junction on the Olusengu Obasanjo Highway through Dzorwulu to the new Overpass at the Achimota Forest.

From there, the group turned through Dzorwulu again to the Accra Girls Senior High School then to Kawokudi Park.

Imam Salawatiya charged Muslim youth not to allow themselves to be used by any person to foment trouble.

He said Islam stands for peace and as such the youth must strive to maintain harmony at all times.

Imam Salawatiya also urged Muslims to stop communal violence and work towards peace in their communities.