General News of Friday, 23 October 2020


'My okro mouth tag on media not insulting’ - Major (rtd) Derek Oduro

Deputy Minister of Defence, Major (rtd) Derek Oduro Deputy Minister of Defence, Major (rtd) Derek Oduro

Deputy Minister of Defence, Major (rtd) Derek Oduro has explained that it wasn’t a deliberate attempt to call out the media after they took over the airwaves following Members of Parliaments’ request for police protection.

He said in an interview with Rainbow radio that the word he used on the media was to ease tension and not insulting as perceived by many.

According to, Major (rtd) Derek Oduro said the word 'okro mouth' is the most used word by the military on the media.

“He disclosed that is how the military describes the media and even at a recent training when the military wanted to communicate with the media, they refer to them as ‘okro mouth’” reported.

On Thursday, October 15, 2020, the minister chastised the media for what he claimed as inciting the general public against MPs.

According to the Deputy Defence Minister who doubles as the MP for Nkoranza North, MPs were voted for by the general public and they deserve to be loved by the public that gave them the mandate to represent them in Parliament and not to be hated by them.

“...As if we are from the Congo River Basin who have been brought to come and put down here to serve the nation. Meanwhile, you voted for us, you’re supposed to love us, get us closer to you but you hate parliamentarians and it is partly because some of you the media you incite the general public against us. We must be frank,” Major (Rtd) Derek Oduro told the Parliamentary Press Corps on Wednesday.

“Meanwhile you voted for us [and] you are supposed to love us, get us closer to you but you hate Parliamentarians and it is partly because some of you the media, you incite the general public against us, we must be frank. So the Interior Minister is saying that, yes they have enough police people to provide security for MPs and provide security for the whole of nation, how many MPs, do you want them to be killed before we ask of personal security for MPs,” Major (rtd) Oduro who is also the MP for Nkoranza North said in a media interview on Wednesday in Parliament House.

“I don’t think you are happy that our brother [Ekow] Kwansah [Hayford] has been killed, or you are shedding crocodile tears,” he added.