Regional News of Friday, 6 February 2015

Source: GNA

NADMO presents roofing sheets to rainstorm victims

The National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO), on Wednesday presented 300 packets of roofing sheets to the Volta Region, for distribution to rainstorm victims in the region during the later part of last year.

Some basic schools which suffered the same fate in January this year would also receive some of the roofing sheets.

Mr Kofi Portuphy, National Coordinator of NADMO, who presented the items to Madam Helen Ntoso, Volta Regional Minister, pointed out that inadequate funds and resources were making it difficult for the Organization to manage disaster “recovering process” in the country.

He said there were about 10, 600 disaster victims in the Volta Region last year, 77 per cent of whom were women and children, and called for concerted efforts to protect women and children in the communities.

Mr Portuphy urged Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies, to put measures in place to minimize disasters as the rainy season approached.

Madam Ntoso commended NADMO for responding quickly with relief items to schools and some individuals affected by floods in 12 districts in the region in January this year.

She said the items would help the schools to re-roof their classrooms and stop combining classes.

Madam Ntoso said some of the incidents were due to shoddy work by the contractors, and cautioned against such acts.