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Regional News of Saturday, 17 May 2003

Source: gna

NCCE organises quiz for schools in Nkoranza

Miss Joyce Nyamadie, Nkoranza District Director of the Commission on Human Rights and administrative Justice (CHRAJ), has urged teachers to study the 1992 Constitution so they could educate their students on it.

Miss Nyamadie was addressing about 200 Junior Secondary School students from Nkoranza at a quiz competition Nkoranza District Secretariat of the National Commission on Civic Education organized for then.

The programme was part of activities organized by the Commission in connection with the third constitutional week celebration.

Effa JSS won the competition with 53 points whilst Nkoranza L/A JSS placed second with 51 points.

Nkoranza St. Theresa's JSS and Nkoranza R.C. JSS placed third and fourth with 50 and 37 points respectively.