Politics of Wednesday, 3 November 2004

Source: GNA

NCCE steps up campaign on peaceful elections

Ekumfi Essarkyir (C/R), Nov 3, GNA - The Mfantseman District Directorate of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) has extended its educational campaign for peaceful Election 2004, to the churches and senior secondary schools.

At Ekumfi Essarkyir Methodist Church, Mr R.E.K. Tsotome, District Director of the NCCE, advised members of the clergy, chiefs and other community opinion leaders not to engage in partisan politics to enable them to enjoy the respect and honour that went with their positions in society.

He said their political neutrality would empower them to speak against the ills of society and also enforce unity and discipline among the people.

At Mankessim Presbyterian Church, Mr Thomas Ntsiful, Senior Field Officer of NCCE, cautioned Christians not to engage in electoral offences such as multiple voting, preventing registered voters from exercising their franchise and allowing themselves to be swayed by gifts to vote against their conscience.

Mr Ntsiful expressed the need for every voter to behave responsibly and wisely during the December 7 polls. "We should all contribute towards free, fair and transparent elections", he said.

The NCCE extended the educational campaign to Kormantse; Abeadze Dominase; Mankessim Secondary/Technical School; Essarkyir T.I. Ahmadiyya Secondary School, Saltpond Methodist High School and Anomabo Kwegyir Aggrey Secondary School.