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General News of Monday, 17 October 2022


NDC Chairmanship race: Ofosu Ampofo reacts to Asiedu Nketiah's attacks

Asiedu Nketiah has announced his intent to contest Ofosu-Ampofo for NDC's chairmanship Asiedu Nketiah has announced his intent to contest Ofosu-Ampofo for NDC's chairmanship

Samuel Ofosu Ampofo, the National Chairman of the opposition National Democratic Congress, has responded to statements made by the party's General Secretary, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, about his leadership. Asiedu Nketiah, who has recently confirmed intent to contest for NDC chairmanship in the party's upcoming internal elections, raised questions about the competence of the party's national chairman. Reacting to Asiedu Nketiah in a statement sighted by GhanaWeb, Samuel Ofosu Ampofo said he is compelled not to respond to the claims and allegations owing to the role he is playing in the party's effort to recapture power in 2024. "Having regard to the high office of party chairman which I occupy and the onerous responsibility of overseeing a successful reorganisation of our party in our quest to wrest power in 2024, I have decided not to respond to the said accusations. "Throughout my entire adult life, I have faithfully, dutifully, and conscientiously served the National Democratic Congress in various capacities. I have done so with honour and dignity while resisting every temptation to vilify political opponents," the statement said. In an interview on Kumasi-based Oyerepa FM, Asiedu Nketiah, among other things, questioned some decisions made by the national chairman, which he said were without the approval of the party's leadership. He cited the party's withdrawal from the Ayawaso West Wuogon by-election in 2019, emphasising that the national chairman, in a unilateral decision, announced the NDC's withdrawal. But in his statement, Samuel Ofosu Ampofo said, "I hold the view that it is totally out of place for party officials to divulge or discuss internal party matters that are within their knowledge by virtue of their privileged position, in the media or on any public forum. It is within this spirit that I elect to refrain from commenting on the merit or otherwise of the matters that were referenced in the said interview, including high-level party decisions that are supposed to be held in confidence." "It is important to underscore the fact that former President John Dramani Mahama remains the only surviving former President of the NDC tradition, a true statesman whose stellar record in office is widely celebrated. References to the Former President in discussing sensitive party matters in the public domain relative to one's internal election campaign, as was done in the said media interview, is quite unfortunate and regrettable. As a statesman of our political tradition, the least we can do to honour him is to jealously guard against commentary that brings his name and that of the party into disrepute and needless acrimony," the statement added. While admonishing candidates and members of the NDC to engage in a campaign devoid of vile and personal attacks in their upcoming internal elections, Mr Ofosu Ampofo urged members of the party to maintain their focus on the quest for power. "Finally, we must all remember that the internal elections of the NDC are a family contest and not an internecine war against ourselves. The real opponent is out there - the New Patriotic Party, who have inflicted untold hardship on our people. Ghanaians will not forgive us if we fail to rescue them from the current economic malaise that we find ourselves in. May it not be said that we failed because we were busy throwing mud at one another and took our eyes off the real enemy," the statement by the national chairman added. The NDC is scheduled to hold its internal elections before the end of the year 2022. The election of national officers of the party is scheduled for December 17, 2022. Watch the latest episode of #SayItLoud on below: Watch the latest episode of The Lowdown below: GA/BOG