Diaspora News of Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Source: --

NDC China Chapter Mourns Mills

NDC China Chapter Mourns the Demise of our beloved President
H.E Prof. E.A Mills

The entire membership and the executives of the NDC China Chapter is deeply devastated when
the news was broke to us about the passing away of our beloved and cherished President of the
Republic of Ghana , H.E Prof. E.A Mills who also doubles as the Leader and the presidential
candidate of our dear Party the National Democratic Congress(NDC).
Our country, Ghana has really lost a great son and a leader who will forever be remembered. He
will be remembered for the calm and peaceful composure he displays when dealing with issues
both in Government and Party matters. As we mourn, we should all mourn the wonderful life
style of the Late President Prof. E.A Mills. His humility and simplicity will be on the minds and
hearts of all Ghanaians.
We extend our sincere condolences to the bereaved family especially Mrs. Naadu Mills and the
NDC fraternity. The good Lord gives and takes away. We never imagined waking up to the news
of the death of the President of Ghana.
On behalf of H.E the Ambassador to China, executive members and all members of the NDC
China Chapter fraternity we will like to implore the family members of the late President and the
NDC as Party to take heart for the good Lord is in control.
May the good Lord grant the late Prof. E.A Mills a blessed and perfect resting place in his bosom.
Until we meet again Prof.
Isaac K. Mensah
NDC China Chapter