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Diasporia News of Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Source: NDC Switzerland

NDC EU Group Holds Weekend Retreat in Switzerland

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) EU Group invites all the Executives of the various EU Branches to participate in a Weekend Retreat to work out strategies to enhance our Operations and Work Programme for 2008 and beyond.

NDC EU Group is a Network of the NDC National Branches in Europe which includes Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands, Italy, Austria and France. We aim to strengthen the structures of the NDC Party in Europe and Ghana, build our alliances with mainstream EU Socialist Parties with the aim of enhancing the Democracy and Governance system in Ghana.

The Retreat will take at Hotel de Ville, in the picturesque Village of Le Sentier, Switzerland on Saturday 23rd Feb 2008. Amongst some of the issues to be discussed include but not limited to a Review of 2007 Programme and Challenges, reform of the NDC EU GROUP Constitution and Funding, planning towards the Summer Annual Conference in Italy and discussions on NDC EU Group Support towards the 2008 Elections.

Participants can only be accredited by their Branch National Executives. Please send your confirmation of attendance with accreditation from your Branch Executives to this email address stating your Branch, name and travelling details by 31st of January 2008. Accommodation preferences (Hotels, Guest House, home stays, etc) would be made available to Participants. Please note that arrangements would be made for confirmed participants only.

Further requests for information can be sent to:

Albert Adzayi,
Chairman NDC Switzerland
Case Postale 4, 1347 Le Sentier, Switzerland, Tel: 0041-78 649 0489,
Email :