Politics of Monday, 20 December 2004

Source: Lens

NDC Must Be Proud ? Bismarck Agbemenule

A leading member of the NDC Youth Forum, Mr. Bismarck Agbemenule has called on all NDC activists and party faithfuls not to feel dejected or downhearted that the party did not win the general elections.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with The Lens, Mr. Agbemenule, called on all party faithfuls to be proud of the party?s performance at the polls.

?Considering the orchestrated attacks that have been mounted against the NDC since 2001 by the NPP and their collaborators in the media, using all kinds of unproven allegations of corruption and malfeasance against the leadership of the NDC, considering also that the NRC process was meant to work against the NDC, and portions of the NRC report were selectively leaked to NPP apologists in the media with a view to destroying the image of NDC, the fact that nearly half the people of Ghana voted for the NDC clearly shows that those machinations and manipulations do not cut ice with the people. The people know the truth,? Mr. Agbemenule posited. Mr. Agbemenule recalled that between 2001 and 2002 the NDC lost some parliamentary seats to the NPP at a number of by-elections. He also recalled how opponents of the NDC used those defeats to argue that once the NDC was no longer wielding state power it would lose more seats at the general elections. He said, ?the results are clear. The NDC may not have won the Presidential slot, but it has re-claimed all the seats it lost at the by-elections. What this tells me is that after four years of the NPP, the people in those constituencies have seen clearly that they are better off with the NDC than with the NPP. The NPP?s positive change slogan was merely a slogan and the people have clearly seen through it, hence they returned the seats to the NDC.?

?I believe that the NDC would not have lost this election but for a number of internal factors. It is my hope and prayer that the leadership of the party would realise the need to work together in unison to present a formidable united front in the coming years. I have no doubt at all that the NPP would try to exploit the divisions among the leadership, using all kinds of baits, but once the leadership is determined to forge ahead in unity, all those attempts would come to nought,? Mr. Agbemenule urged.

?Let me take the opportunity to congratulate Prof. Mills and the entire NDC for the marvellous work they have done to ensure that the party remains a force to reckon with in the politics of this country. I say to them, ayekoo,? he concluded.