Diaspora News of Wednesday, 18 July 2012

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NDC Organizer meets Muslim Community in NY

Better Ghana Agenda Continues To Deliver Progress To The Muslim Community Says Alhaji Baba Sheriff.

Alhaji Baba Sheriff, deputy National Organizer, NDC Ghana has assured the Ghanaian Muslim community in the United States during meetings held in Bronx, New York City that the Better Ghana Agenda continues to deliver growth and developmental progress to Muslim communities in Ghana.

The deputy organizer intimated that the achievements the Mills administration had chalked in the area of education, as seen in the construction and renovation of thousands of school buildings have improved the quality of education in Muslim and Zongo communities in Ghana. Alhaji Sheriff pointed to the Islamic Education Unit which was introduced by the NDC and said in recent times the Mills administration has made more resources available for the scheme. He also said that all is being done by government and the Hajj Board to ensure that this year’s Hajj is successful.

Alhaji Sheriff visited most of the mosques that serve the Ghanaian communities in the New York area, these included a visit to the Mount Hope Mosque and the Annasar Cultural Center all situated in the Bronx. During these visits he prayed with the Muslim communities for peaceful elections in December. He spoke with and congratulated the Ibadu Rahamann Foundation which is building a school in Kumasi. Alhaji Sheriff fielded interviews from Zumunta Community Radio FM, Radio Africa, and Radio Yankasa, all online radio stations that serve the muslim communities in the U.S.
Alhaji Sheriff also with the NDC New York executives and the spoke via phone conference to all NDC members in the United States.