Diaspora News of Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Source: --

NDC-USA Elects New Leadership

The North American Coordinating Council of the National Democratic Congress, NACC- NDC, over the weekend held its Biennial Congress at Best Western Hotel, 1251 W. Montgomery Avenue, Rockville, MD, United States. A joyous audience dressed in sparkling party colors filled the conference room of the hotel. Delegates from twelve member chapters namely New Jersey, Massachusetts, Philadelphia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Toronto(Canada), Washington DC, New York, Atlanta, Chicago and North Carolina attended the delegates’ congress. A delegation of NDC Canada Chapter Executives led by its Chairman, Mr. Jacob Marmon also attended the congress.

The mood of the audience was ecstatic and joyous, as this was the first time members of the party in the North America, were meeting after the 2008 general elections, which saw their party winning both a parliamentary majority and the presidency. To the unlearned eye not accustomed to Ghanaian celebrations the meeting may have seemed noisy, the frequent play of the party's anthem, but to the delegates this was exactly what they had dreamed of for many years, a brief time of celebration after eight long years in the political wilderness – the aura that clothed the venue was clear – it was a that one of triumph. The first session of the congress started at 11:00 A.M. Chairmen of various chapters reported on recent activities and projects initiated by their various chapters for the past year. The second session witnessed the dissolution of NACC-NDC and replaced it by a new body to be known as NDC USA Chapter. Henceforth, all chapters in the USA are to be known as branches according the new guidelines from the NDC Headquarters in Accra for international branches. New executives were also elected for the new NDC USA Chapter.

The arrival of the Guest of Honor, Hon. Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, Deputy Minister for Information, sent the packed hall into a carnival celebration and dancing to NDC music. The Deputy Minister, lived up to his growing reputation as a whiz-kid of information, with his in-depth knowledge of current issues the government of Ghana is grappling with.

Hon. Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa in his keynote address, unequivocally declared that President Atta-Mills has in the first six months of his administration demonstrated his government's desire to cut financial waste, eschew ostentation, focus on bettering the lot of the average Ghanaian and lead a government which has the rule of law and the respect for the rights of its citizens as a cardinal guiding principle.

He said President John Atta-Mills has drastically cut down the number of vehicles that formed presidential motorcade convoy in the last 8 years to 5 vehicles. In addition, the President John Atta Mills has rejected any “per diems” paid for presidential travels even though he is entitled to such payments and rather money saved from all these cost cutting measures would be used for developmental projects for the benefit of all Ghanaians.

Mr. Okudzeto Ablakwa said President John Atta Mills has offers himself to be searched by law enforcement before he travels out of Ghana, knowing that this symbolizes not only the government's determination to fight the illicit smuggling of narcotics but also illustration that, his administration will hold all as equal before the law.

Hon. Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa described the leadership of President John Atta Mills as visionary and exemplary. He lauded the appointments made as cutting across all the different ethnic and regional groups in Ghana. He cited an occurrence in the previous NPP administration where for a period, there were no appointments from the Upper West Region, and pointed out that the situation has obviously improved during the current administration. He also stated that the confidence President Mills has invested in appointing young persons to the high office of government was visionary since such appointments are encouraging to other young people in Ghana, he surmised that the experience gathered by these younger ministers will serve the country well for a long time in. The audience was particularly touched by these sentiments since the honorable deputy minister's father Mr. Okudzeto was among the large audience.

The NDC government he said is to introduce free text books and free school uniforms to all children of school going age; an improved National Health Insurance Scheme for all Ghanaians including men and women in uniform and the adoption of a single spine salary structure, as well as a substantial increase in the benefits accruing to teachers.

He reiterated the government's commitment, not to hound or persecute any Ghanaian citizen simply because they had been officials in the former NPP administration. He however convinced the gathering that, government will investigate any suspicious dealings by past government officials without fear or favor and bring to book any individuals who can be proven to have been actors of any corrupt acts.

The following were elected to form the new Executive Committee:

Mr. Cobby Boahene – Chairman,

Mr. Appiah Twumasi Ankrah – 1st Vice Chairman;

Ms. Hafsta Yakubu- 2nd Vice Chairman;

Mr. Osborne K Sam,-General Secretary;

Mr. Charles Edem Kpodo - Deputy General Secretary;

Ms. Dede Dufuor - Treasurer

Mr. Bismark Agbemenule - Deputy Treasurer

Ms. Eva Naa Ayele - Women's Organizer

Mr. Nii Armah Odartey - Inter-chapter coordinator

Mr. Eugene Markwei - Deputy Inter-chapter coordinator

Mr. Nii Armah Hammond - Youth Organizer

Mr. Akpeti Kumassah -Deputy Youth Organiser.

Mr. Simon D.K. Adzraku, the outgoing 1st Vice Chairman of the dissolved NACC-NDC, announced that, based the new directives from NDC Headquarters, NDC Toronto is officially joining NDC Canada Chapter to build the new chapter into a formidable one. He paid tribute to Mr. Aboagye, the former Chairman of NDC Toronto, and Mr. Kwaku Oduro Bonsu Chairman of NDC Montreal among others for their contributions to the growth of NDC in North America.

Solidarity message from NDC Canada Chapter was read by Mr. Charles N. Nkansah, General & Propaganda Secretary.

The second part of the delegate congress was a well attended dinner dance and the swearing in of the newly elected officers of NDC USA Chapter by the Deputy Information Minister, Hon Okudzeto Ablawa. He challenged the new executives to champion the course of the party in the USA and lead the way for investments to Ghana for the benefit of the Ghanaian people.

In his acceptance speech on behalf of his executives, Mr. Cobby Boahene, Chairman of the new NDC USA Chapter saluted Mr. Kodjo Ave, Mr. Dan Baiden and all the executives of NDC Washington Branch for their hard work and the excellent manner in which the delegates’ congress was organized. He called on all NDC members in the USA to unite together and work for the common interest of the party.