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Politics of Friday, 16 December 2022


NDC Youth Wing was allocated GH¢2,000 for the 2020 campaign - Pablo reveals

George Opare Addo, NDC National Youth Organizer George Opare Addo, NDC National Youth Organizer

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) allocated only GH¢2000 to its Youth Wing to campaign during the entire 2020 election cycle.

The party’s Youth Budget was revealed by the National Youth Organizer of the party, George Opare Addo who was speaking on a live radio show monitored by

“Yes, the NDC gave me GH¢2,000 for the youth wing for 2020 election” he said on Asempa FM Tuesday.

Asked if it was US$2,000, he said no, it was Cedis.

Many people have reacted to the news with disbelief and disappointment in the opposition NDC for not prioritizing its youth affairs.

In 2020, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) obtained most of its presidential votes (84.8 percent of votes cast in the region) from the Volta region of Ghana, while the New Patriotic Party (NPP) won most votes (71 percent) from the Ashanti region. But it was not clear who had more youth votes between the two studying the data.

Over time, these two regions have been the political strongholds of the two parties. Furthermore, during the 2020 elections, around 6.79 million votes were accumulated by the (NPP), while approximately 6.17 million votes (47.2 percent of all votes) were won by the NDC.

Many people now say they are surprised incumbent President Nana Akufo-Addo of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) was re-elected in the first round after securing a majority of the votes because the NDC has never been serious.

This comes after the party General Secretary Johnson Asiedu Nketiah revealed the party knew it had lost and had no data or collated results before going to court.