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Politics of Friday, 24 April 2009

Source: GNA

NDC Youth in Kwahu West support President's nominee

Nkawkaw, April 24, GNA - The youth supporters of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), in the Kwahu West Municipality, have expressed their support for Mr Alex Obeng Somuah, the President's nominee for the position of the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), for the area. The nomination of Mr Somuah has come as great relief as they have over the years monitored and appreciated his selfless contribution to the Municipality and the party as a whole, they said. The Nkawkaw Constituency youth organizer of the party, Mr Daniel Yaw Nkansah, said this on behalf of the youth at a press conference at Nkawkaw.

He said Mr Somuah, a lecturer at the Sociology Department of the University of Cape Coast, was an embodiment of development, peace and transparency in the Municipality. Mr Nkansah noted that Mr Somuah had distinguished himself in terms of competency, human relations and had served in various capacities both at the constituency and at the national levels. He said the nominee's affable character coupled with his humble nature had won him a lot of respect and admiration from the people in the municipality and appealed to the assembly members to give him the nod to lead the Municipality's development agenda. 24 April 09