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Politics of Monday, 25 July 2005

Source: GNA

NDC confirms disqualification of Walid Laryea

Accra, July 25, GNA - The Functional Executive Committee (FEC) of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) on Monday confirmed the disqualification of Mr Walid Laryea as a contestant for the Odododiodoo By-Election.

The disqualification of Mr Laryea sparked off confusion at the primaries held on Sunday and caused some Executives of the Party present at the primaries to call off the process.

A statement Mr Bede Ziedeng, Acting General Secretary of the NDC signed, said: "The Functional Executive Committee (FEC) of the NDC met this morning (Monday) and the decision to disqualify Mr Walid Laryea as a contestant for the parliamentary candidacy of the NDC has been confirmed.

"As a result of this disqualification and to emphasise the democratic credentials of the NDC, the nomination process has been re-opened for 24 hours starting from 1400 today (Monday), and will close at 1400 hours tomorrow (Tuesday)."

The statement said vetting of contestants would be conducted at 1500 hours on Tuesday by the FEC at the Party Headquarters. "A constituency conference will be held in Wednesday 27h July 2005 at 1000 hours at the Sea View Hotel in the Constituency to elect a candidate to contest the By-Election."

The ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) has fixed Tuesday July 26 to select a candidate to contest the By-Election.

Both parties are caught up in a candidate selection entanglement, which forced the NPP to decide to go against the Party's democratic norm of going through a primary in selecting a candidate by constituting a special selection committee to pick a candidate from a pool of aspiring members.

The NDC on the other hand aborted its initial primaries last Sunday, July 24, due to sharp disagreement over the administrative mode of disqualifying Mr Laryea late on Saturday July 24. The Electoral Commission (EC) has set Wednesday 27 and Thursday 28 July as the days for filling of nominations for the Odododiodio By-Elections.

Mr Nat Quaye EC District Electoral Officer told the Ghana News Agency that nomination of candidates would take place at the Office of the Returning Officer, Ashiedu Keteke District between 0900 hours and 1200 noon and 1400 hours and 1700 hours each day.

Nomination forms can be obtained from the Returning Officer in the District. TMA/BDB 25 July 05