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Politics of Friday, 28 June 2024


NDC constituency executives in Ashanti Region boycott meeting over unfair distribution of campaign resources

The meeting was distrupted over the distribution of party resources The meeting was distrupted over the distribution of party resources

Constituency chairmen of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Ashanti region have boycotted a strategic meeting organized by the regional executives. The meeting, chaired by the Regional Chairman, Augustus Andrews Nana Kwasi, was met with contention.

The constituency chairmen have accused the regional chairman of partiality in the distribution of party resources, alleging that he favors certain constituency chairmen.

Chairman Nana Kwasi was scheduled to distribute six new cars to some constituencies in the region; however, the meeting was disrupted by the disgruntled constituency chairmen.

In response, the Ashanti regional chairman maintains that he has received only six vehicles for distribution and that he is following specific instructions regarding which constituencies are to receive them.