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Politics of Saturday, 17 December 2022


NDC elections: 3 constituencies barred as voting starts

File photo: NDC congress File photo: NDC congress

Voting has commenced in the ongoing 10th National Delegates Congress of the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

Electoral Commission officials completed the voting set up a short while ago.

Over 9,000 delegates comprising former government appointees of the party are casting their ballots to elect fresh leaders to steer the affairs of the party going into the 2024 general election.

Aside from former government appointees, constituency and regional executives of the party are also exercising their franchise.

The National Chairman position is seen to the El-Classico of the delegates elections as the NDC General Secretary who has served for 17 years, Johnson Asiedu Nketia is up against the incumbent National Chairman, Samuel Ofosu Ampofo.

This position is expected to be a tight race as both candidates vying for the position have vast experi­ence having held different posi­tions in the party over the years.

The other contest that is expected to go down to the wire is the selection of a General Secretary.

Mr Fifi Fiave Franklin Kwetey, a former Deputy Minister of Finance and Economic Planning and one-time propaganda secretary of the NDC is battling it out with Mr Elvis Afriyie Ankrah, for­mer Minister of Youth and Sports, and Dr Peter Boamah Otukonor, a former deputy General Secretary of the NDC.

Unfortunately, delegates from three constituencies spread nationwide are barred from partaking in the voting process. The affected constituencies are Dormaa Central in the Bono Region, Manhyia South in the Ashanti Region and Agona East in the Central Region.

According to the Member of Parliament for Buem Constituency and Chairman of Grounds Com­mittee, Hon Kofi Adams, who announced this, delegates in these affected constituencies cannot cast their ballot as a result of pending injunction against some aspirants in those areas.