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Politics of Wednesday, 21 December 2022


NDC flagbearership: Mahama should go uncontested - Samuel Yaw Adusei

Samuel Adusei wants John Mahama to run unopposed for NDC flagbearer Samuel Adusei wants John Mahama to run unopposed for NDC flagbearer

A National Chairman-hopeful of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Samuel Yaw Adusei, has announced a campaign to see former President John Dramani Mahama nominated unopposed as the party’s flagbearer for the 2024 presidential election.

Samuel Yaw Adusei lost his bid for the chairmanship race at the just-ended National Delegates Congress of the NDC at the Accra Sports Stadium, as the former General Secretary of the party, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, emerged victorious.

In a statement following the election of the party’s new national executives, Samuel Yaw Adusei said he will lead a coalition that will see all 28 executives in each of the constituencies across the country endorse John Mahama as the unopposed flagbearer of the party.

“Democracy is by the people and for the people and that consensus building has been one of the conventional ways of resolving issues. As I promised during my campaign tour, I would like to activate the powers at the base to resolve this issue. The party is organised at the branch level supervised by the Constituencies and any resolution by the base of the party cannot be undermined by NEC.

“As part of this agenda, I have decided to lead a ‘coalition’ to solicit for the endorsements of all the 28 Constituency executives and branch executives across the country in a petition to the National Executive Committee to plan the reorganisation of the foundation of the party rather and allow John Mahama to go uncontested,” he said.

He also congratulated the newly-elected national executives of the party, while promising to join the collective effort of the NDC to regain power.

With the election of its executives from the branch level to the national level concluded, the NDC is left with the election of a flagbearer and parliamentary candidates to conclude their preparation for the 2024 elections.

So far, two names; John Dramani Mahama and Dr. Kwabena Duffour, have emerged as prospective candidates in the contest.