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General News of Thursday, 25 August 2005

Source: Ghanaian Chronicle

NDC is broke- Nii Quaye Addison

The Greater Accra regional organizer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Nii Quaye Addison, has disclosed that the party is broke.

He said they are so down financially that, organization of the Odododiodio by?election and other financial commitments, have become tasks as Herculean as taming a lion.

According to him, this has placed enormous responsibilities on the shoulders of the few philanthropic individual members of the party.

Nii Addison made the disclosure when he addressed party faithful at the Kpone-Katamanso constituency?s congress, to elect fresh executive members to run the affairs of the party for the 2008 general elections at Kpone last Friday.

?NDC is broke. The party has nothing in its coffers. We can?t even pay our electricity bills. When you visit the party?s regional or national headquarters, there is no money; in fact it is even difficult for us to get money to print T-shirts for our members and provide other logistics for the Odododiodio by election,? he said.

The NDC regional organizer indicated that working for the party now is purely a sacrificial job.

?We are all working very hard to help the party re-capture power, because we know what the party can do for us when it gains power,? he said.

He told the candidates who had offered themselves for the posts of chairman, vice chairman, secretary, organizer and propaganda secretary not to think of any monetary reward when voted into power; rather they should be concerned with how to spend on the party ?because the party is broke.?

He explained that the party executives are using their own resources to run the affairs of the offices they occupy, adding ?everything we do as executive members of the NDC, is purely sacrificial.?

He said when the NDC won power it would share the wealth of the country equally among all Ghanaians, but would not behave the way the NPP was by sharing to only its own people.

?Until then, we must all put our shoulders to the wheel without thinking of what we would gain when elected to the various positions, so that when we win power, all of us can enjoy,? he advised.

A leading member of the party, Mr. Sly Mensah said the immature and inexperienced manner in which the ruling NPP government has handled the affairs of the country, has made winning back power a mere formality.

According to the leading member, power is now lying before the NDC, ?all we need to do is to stretch forth our hand and grab it.?

He however stressed that unless the party members do away with negative tendencies such as petty squabbles, bickering, accusations and counter-accusations, which have eaten into the very fibre of the party, and come together as one body, they would not be able to achieve their hope of winning power.

?All we need to do is to re-organize ourselves, do away with petty squabbles, bickering, accusation and counter-accusation and forge ahead in unity so that we can win the 2008 general elections,? he urged.