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General News of Sunday, 18 December 2016


NDC loses election, Yamine will lose his car

Yamine is the Deputy NADMO Coordinator play videoYamine is the Deputy NADMO Coordinator

People keep making promises but refuse to keep them.

Do you guys remember how some people in America made certain promises and bet prior to the November 8 elections? Trevor Noah promised to return to South Africa should Trump win and George Lopez said, Trump won't have to worry about immigration because he would move back to Mexico should Trump win.

Ghana's election was not any different as some people also made promises and bets but what we Ghanaians just like the Americans are waiting to see is for Deputy NADMO Coordinator Joseph Yamine to fulfill his promise to Omanhene.

"If NDC loses this election, come for my 4 wheel drive in exchange for your cheapest phone", he told Omanhene while on Adom Tv's 'Badwam'.

Now the elections are over and needless to say, NDC was nowhere close to winning so, Ghanaians are expecting Yamine to deliver his 4WD to Omanhene as he promised.